Career Counseling Courses

The FC Counseling Department offers a variety of courses to assist students in all aspects of life, including courses that promote career development and exploration. These courses are taught by counselors who are trained and experienced in career development.

Explore the complete list of Counseling courses by clicking the Counseling Courses link at the bottom of this page. For an overview of classes available this semester, utilize the Searchable Class Schedule.

COUN 141 F
Career Exploration (1 Unit)

Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass option
18 hours lecture per term.

This course is designed to introduce students to a career decision-making process which includes both evaluation of the self and exploration of the world of work. Self-evaluation activities include identification of personality/temperament, interests, skills, goals and values. Career research activities are utilized to examine the world at work. The focus of the course is on self-description in relation to the choice of occupation and career.

(Degree Credit) (CSU)

COUN 143 F
Creative Job Search (1 Unit)

Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass option.
18 hours lecture per term.

This course will cover the basic practical aspects of conducting a successful job search. The focus will be on application, cover letter, resume, and interview as well as labor market research.

 (Degree Credit) (CSU)

COUN 144 F
Career Motivation and Self Confidence (1 Unit)

Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass option
18 hours lecture per term.

This course is designed to help students identify individual differences, examine personal characteristics and behavior, and evaluate self-concept. Students will interpret information and apply knowledge of self as related to career demands and opportunities with increased motivation and self-confidence.

(Degree Credit) (CSU)

COUN 151 F
Career and College Success (3 Units)

Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass option
54 hours lecture per term.

This course is designed to teach strategies for success to promote academic and lifelong learning through the integration of career and academic planning. Topics include intensive career investigation, assessment of interest, personality, skills, values, and other personal qualities that coincide with educational and career success; application of career and lifespan development theory; psychological and social issues that impact career and life choices; decision making; time management; goal setting; learning and life management strategies; job search and career building techniques. This course emphasizes empowering students take charge of their academic, career, and personal decisions through the integration of career exploration and individual educational planning.

(Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC Credit Limitation)

COUN 152 F
Diversity in the World of Work (3 Units)

54 hours lecture per term.

This course explores the influence of factors such as gender, age, abilities, ethnicity, culture, and socioeconomic status on past, present and future working conditions, career development, and labor market trends in the United States. This course fulfills the Multicultural Education Requirement for graduation.

(Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

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Operational Hours

Monday - Thursday: 9 AM - 6 PM
Friday: 9 AM - 1 PM

Click here for special hours

Student Services Building (2000)
Second Floor, Room 2027

321 E. Chapman Ave
Fullerton, CA 92832

(714) 992-7121