Handshake Job Search Webinar

November 9, 2023


What is Handshake? This is Fullerton College Career Center’s new online job board, which offers both on and off campus employment opportunities to students. Students can filter for full-time, part-time, and local positions, while also connecting with other students and employers on the platform. Students will also receive monthly emails with postings that align with their majors and interests.

This quick 30 minute session is geared toward students interested in diving deeper into the Handshake platform. The presenter will provide an overview of the platform and help run targeted job searches with you.

To register:

  1. Click Career Center Canvas to enroll in our Career Center Canvas shell
  2. Once enrolled in the shell, select the module Career Readiness Webinars, then Handshake Job Search Webinar.
  3. Register for the webinar date and time that works for you

We look forward to seeing you there! 😊

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